Sign Up

made in Yorkshire maintains strict criteria for registration. Want to find out how to become a made in Yorkshire exhibitor?

For more information please e-mail your contact details (including a postal address) to

Want to apply? Why not download an exhibitor application questionnaire, current show programme (showing dates and prices) and booking form by clicking on the following links? Please fill in and return to the made in Yorkshire office by email or post.

All forms are in PDF format – if you would prefer a word format, please e-mail your details to the address above.


Account Info
Profile Info
Contact Info
Social Profiles
Account Info - Shop Vendor

Membership Information

Featured Membership – £125.00 per year

Entitles the exhibitor to everything in a standard entry but also allows the exhibitor the ability to create a gallery of photos, option to upload videos and will be featured on the home page of the website (in rotation with other featured designer makers).

Terms & Conditions